Dragon Rising takes place on a fictional island named Skira (Based on the real-world island Kiska, which is located on the western end of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska), in May 2011. After the Global Economic Crisis causes mass unemployment and political destabilization in China, the PLA seize control of Skira and the vast, newly-discovered reservoir of oil there, from the Russian Federation. Peace talks prove useless as both combatants lay claim to Skira due to previous ownership of it. The situation deteriorates quickly and China begins to fortify its northern provinces in anticipation of armed conflict with Russia. Russia, already countering the PLA on the Chinese mainland, calls to the United States of America to retake Skira from the Chinese.
CPU Intel Dual Core 2 2.4GHz
VGA Pixel Shader 3.0 có bộ nhớ từ 256MB trở lên
OS XP SP 2 trở lên

Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Download
pass: congtruongit.com
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