Infernal is a modern-style third person shooter, with major first-person shooter influences. Players control protagonist, Ryan Lennox, a former agent of light turned dark by unfortunate circumstances who has access to a number of unique demonic powers, including pyrokinesis, teleportation, and the ability to feed on the souls of fallen enemies.
OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 1.7Ghz or equivalent
RAM: 512Mb
GRAPHICS: Pixel Shader 2.0 compatible, ATI Radeon 9600/NVidia 5950 class or better
SOUND: Direct Sound compatible
HARD DRIVE: 2Gb free disk space for installation. Save games will require more space.
INPUT: 100% Windows 200/XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard

Infernal Download
pass unlock: gamemediafire.com
pass unrar: vnsharing.net
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