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400 List of Social Bookmarking Sites with Page Rank

Written By Trik Cari Duit on Kamis, 08 Desember 2011 | 02.13

Here is the 400 list of top Social Bookmarking sites with their PR.
netscape.aol.com/ 9
w3.org/2001/Annotea/ 9
slashdot.org/ 9
myweb.yahoo.com/ 8
video.google.com/ 8
blogspot.com 8
youtube.com/ 8
flickr.com/ 8
photobucket.com/ 8
digg.com 8
mystuff.ask.com/ 8
technorati.com/ 8
del.icio.us 8
stumbleupon.com/ 8
simile.mit.edu/ 8
furl.net 8
9rules.com/ 8
odeo.com/ 8
propeller.com 8
rojo.com/ 8
bookmarks.yahoo.com/ 7
google.com/notebook 7
myaskjeeves.uk.ask.com/ 7
slide.com/ 7
esnips.com/ 7
twitter.com/home 7
wikia.com/wiki/Wikia 7
reddit.com 7
box.net/ 7
ifilm.com/ 7
blogcatalog.com/ 7
topix.net/blogs 7
meneame.net/ 7
taggle.de/ 7
fark.com 7
shutterfly.com/ 7
43things.com/ 7
metafilter.com/ 7
tags.library.upenn.edu/ 7
newsvine.com/ 7
matrix.msu.edu/ 7
techmeme.com/ 7
ma.gnolia.com 7
rollyo.com/ 7
swik.net/ 7
icerocket.com/ 7
simpy.com 7
eventful.com/ 7
wikispaces.com/ 7
nowpublic.com/ 7
a9.com/-/home.jsp 7
librarything.com/ 7
frappr.com/ 7
blogpulse.com 7
tailrank.com 7
start.com/ 7
yoono.com/ 7
blogarama.com/ 7
de.lirio.us 7
citeulike.org/ 7
kuro5hin.org 7
connotea.org 7
kinja.com/ 7
claimid.com 7
krugle.com/ 7
clipfire.com/ 7
sitebar.org/ 7
jeteye.com/ 7
favorites.live.com/ 6
scuttle.org 6
segnalo.alice.it/? 6
buzznet.com/ 6
squidoo.com/ 6
fotki.com/us/ 6
quizilla.com/ 6
payperpost.com/ 6
pando.com/ 6
iq.lycos.co.uk/ 6
h2obeta.law.harvard.edu/ 6
allrecipes.com/ 6
ilike.com/ 6
mog.com/ 6
buddytv.com/ 6
blinklist.com 6
dzone.com/ 6
videosift.com/ 6
wetpaint.com/ 6
clipmarks.com/ 6
pligg.com/ 6
kaboodle.com/ 6
bluedot.us/front 6
jaiku.com/ 6
tradebit.com/ 6
wykop.pl/ 6
tec.fresqui.com/ 6
gather.com/ 6
spicypage.com/ 6
springwidgets.com/ 6
zaadz.com/ 6
spurl.net 6
diigo.com/ 6
mister-wong.com 6
blinkbits.com 6
netvouz.com 6
popurls.com 6
popurls.com/ 6
blogmarks.net 6
zoomclouds.egrupos.net/ 6
blogcritics.org/ 6
wink.com/ 6
backflip.com/ 6
tagworld.com/ 6
linkarena.com/ 6
rateitall.com/ 6
shadows.com 6
bibsonomy.org/ 6
rawsugar.com 6
touchgraph.com/ 6
listible.com/ 6
bloghop.com 6
trailfire.com/ 6
plime.com 6
chipin.com/ 6
cocomment.com/ 6
searchles.com 6
43places.com/ 6
wikio.com/ 6
Protopage.com 6
clipclip.org/ 6
hugg.com 6
podcastingnews.com/ 6
web2list.com/ 6
spotplex.com 6
linkagogo.com 6
stylefeeder.com 6
dotnetslackers.com/ 6
listal.com/ 6
plazoo.com/ 6
lijit.com/ 6
my.foxcloud.com/ 6
feedmelinks.com/ 6
quintura.com/ 6
minti.com/ 6
co.mments.com 6
artypapers.com/scribble/ 6
findory.com/ 6
listsofbests.com/ 6
newscloud.com/ 6
menuism.com/ 6
weblogalot.com/ 6
twittervision.com/ 6
adoppt.com/ 6
43people.com/ 6
voo2do.com 6
askeet.com/ 6
linkfilter.net 6
clickcaster.com/ 6
vyew.com/ 6
suprglu.com/ 6
radar.net/ 6
Feedmarker.com 6
dev.upian.com/hotlinks/ 6
dissectmedicine.com/ 6
tagcloud.com/ 6
links2go.com 6
loudblog.de/ 6
rsscalendar.com/rss/ 6
cloudalicio.us/ 6
gibeo.net/ 6
trexy.com 6
frassle.net/ 6
beanrocket.com/ 6
openserving.com 6
nextaris.com/ 6
thumblicio.us 6
wurldbook.com/info/ 6
supcast.com/ 6
tagsy.com/ 6
nowthen.com/home 5
daytipper.com/ 5
bookmarks.ning.com/ 5
scribd.com/ 5
onlywire.com/ 5
spock.com/ 5
fanpop.com/ 5
shoutwire.com/ 5
allyourwords.com/ 5
boxxet.com/ 5
spicypage.com/ 5
stylehive.com/ 5
plugim.com/ 5
corank.com 5
linkedwords.com/ 5
my.xilinus.com 5
wists.com 5
socialporn.com/ 5
blogmemes.net/ 5
spotback.com 5
populair.eu/ 5
fazed.org 5
icio.de/ 5
buddymarks.com/ 5
markaboo.com 5
jott.com/ 5
linkroll.com/ 5
tagtooga.com/ 5
gravee.com/ 5
marktd.com/ 5
myhq.com/ 5
linkatopia.com/ 5
butterflyproject.nl/ 5
MyBookmarks.com 5
looklater.com/ 5
bookmarktracker.com/ 5
otavo.com/ 5
thethingsiwant.com/ 5
mylinkvault.com/ 5
myvmarks.com/ 5
lilisto.com/ 5
millionsofgames.com/ 5
snipit.org/ 5
cl1p.net/ 5
motor.crispynews.com/ 5
hanzoweb.com/ 5
kick.ie/ 5
quasimondo.com/ 5
dark-i.com/ 5
myprogs.net/ 5
prefound.com/index.php 5
notefish.com/ 5
reader2.com/ 5
musipedia.org/ 5
memotoo.com/ 5
unalog.com/ 5
hyperlinkomatic.com/ 5
monkeyfilter.com/ 5
shorttext.com/ 5
populair.eu/ 5
givealink.org/ 5
iliketotallyloveit.com/ 5
phigita.net/ 5
plum.com/ 5
quotiki.com/ 5
taggly.com 5
mystickies.com/ 5
tipstrs.com/ 5
rrove.com/ 5
digglicious.com/ 5
memestreams.net/topics/ 5
thelostlinks.com/ 5
saveyourlinks.com/ 5
sync2it.com/ 5
favoor.com 5
fivelimes.com/ 5
open-tag-directory.org/ 5
web-feeds.com/ 5
kratia.com/ 5
krawlerx.com/ 5
winelog.net/ 5
gabbr.com/ 5
watvindenwijover.nl/ 5
crispynews.com/global 5
blummy.com/ 5
ambedo.com 5
blogoforum.com/ 5
jookster.com/ 5
wizlite.com/ 5
carnatic.com/www/ 5
orthodoxlinks.info/ 5
blog.cogenz.com/ 5
quickbrowse.com/ 5
indiamarks.com/ 5
blogniscient.com/ 5
supr.c.ilio.us/ 5
tagfacts.com/ 5
tagthe.net/ 5
mecanbe.com/ 5

spinspy.com/ 5
listmixer.com/ 5
openbm.de/ 5
getoutfoxed.com/home 5
wikalong.org/ 5
chuquet.com/ 5
feedalley.com/ 5
blogamp.com/ 5
netmite.com/ 5
dudecheckthisout.com/ 5
qvey.com/ 5
flexdirectory.com/ 5
dinnerbuzz.com/ 5
shufuni.com/ 4
bumpzee.com/ 4
startaid.com/ 4
ulinkx.com/ 4
eonsex.com/ 4
ispy.ucd.ie/ 4
i89.us/ 4
bmaccess.net/ 4
aboogy.com 4
blosker.com/ 4
oyax.com/ 4
changetolink.com/ 4
ineffabile.it/ 4
connectedy.com/ 4
getboo.com/ 4
a1-webmarks.com 4
sitejot.com/ 4
smarking.com/ 4
nabbr.com/ 4
urlex.info/ 4
syncone.net/ 4
30daytags.com/fresh 4
tag.zurpy.com/ 4
shoppersbase.com/ 4
zurpy.com/ 4
philoi.com/ 4
bla.st 4
complore.com 4
fungow.com/ 4
freelink.org/ 4
sparkhive.com/ 4
hypediss.com/ 4
imp.etuo.us/ 4
kidlinkz.com/ 4
tektag.com 4
snehah.com 4
ifaves.com 4
bookmark-manager.com/ 4
stanmx.com/sabrosus/ 4
gamingtags.com/ 4
hictu.com/login.php 4
lookmarks.com/ 4
juxel.com/ 4
ez4u.net 4
6-clicks.com/ 4
shooshshare.com/ 4
bookmach.com/ 4
allmyfavorites.net/ 4
cloudytags.com 4
commuteone.tann.com/ 4
linkblog.com.br/index.jsp 4
dohat.com 4
bookkit.com/ 4
ambedo.com/ 4
indiza.com/ 4
wobblog.com 4
soc.ialize.us/ 4
tutorialism.com/ 4
thinkpocket.com 4
portachi.com 4
wazima.com/ 4
browsr.com/ 4
pixelmo.com 4
memfrag.com 4
tendango.com/ 4
eigology.com/dogear/ 4
googlecloud.com/ 4
mindpicnic.com/ 4
mywebdesktop.net/ 4
fooxx.com/ 4
namakkal.co.uk/ 4
funkycall.com/ 4
linklog.nl/ 4
smelis.com 4
cluebacca.com/ 4
maxigate.com/ 4
chugd.com/ 4
peercreations.com/ 4
urlblaze.com/ 4
q8-downloads.com/ 3
goodnotes.org/ 3
jef.free.fr/scuttle/ 3
wirefan.com/ 3
rate.theuncensored.com/ 3
dfinitive.com/ 3
bookmark.it/ 3
mypip.com/home/ 3
turboclip.com/ 3
linkologia.pl/ 3
zlitt.com 3
socialbookmarking.org/ 3
webgoggles.com/ 3
meme-stream.com/ 3
2centsnews.com 3
yattle.com 3
tabmarks.com/ 3
aworldofhelp.com 3
gokodo.com/ 3
cosmosing.com/ 3
freshtribe.com/ 3
teachershare.org/openig/ 3
tag.schaufler.ch/ 3
ideanotes.de/textnotes/ 3
networkmenus.co.uk/ 3
eggkeg.com/ 3
myfavoritesonline.com/ 2
chipmark.com/ 2
tabber.org/ 2
newsweight.com 2
bloglot.com/tagging/ 2
4sur.com/ 0
upcoming.yahoo.com/ 0
c7.one.lv 0
pownce.com/ 0
sphinn.com/ 0
pixrat.com/ 0
thebeststuffintheworld 0
thoof.com 0
earthfrisk.com/index.php 0
socialmarker.com/ 0
changethis.com/ 0
creamaid.com/index.html 0
filmloop.myfabrik.com/ 0
igooi.com/ 0
oozm.com/index.php 0
snook.ca/snitter/ 0
yappd.com/ 0
favoritoo.com/ 0
brabblr.com/ 0
booktour.com/ 0
makethemostonline.com/ 0
heynielsen.com/ 0
maple.nu/ 0
thinkfreedocs.com/ 0
twitku.com/ 0
yoorl.com/ 0
blabb.com/ 0
tw3t.com/about 0
utterz.com/ 0
www2.mobypicture.com 0
nuharbor.com/welcome.do 0
sitetagger.com/ 0
yapme.com/ 0
podobo.com/ 0
blabto.com/ 0
onlineadvertisingnews.net/ 0
whynotad.com/ 0
tasty.pablotron.org/ 0
recipe-buzz.com 0
jobfu.org 0
gaddiposh.com/index.php 0
gnafi.com/ 0
tizags.com/ 0
egorcast.com/ 0
nouncer.com/ 0
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