This repo contains a wide range of apps, mods and ringtones for your iPhone. This is one of those all-in-one repos that holds some highly popular and useful Cydia apps and tweaks. It even contains some new jailbreak tweaks for the iOS 5. Definitely a Cydia source that is worth adding.
Apps to Look Out For: UISettings-iOS5, Springtomize 2, SMS+, iBlacklist, iFile, Infiniboard, Infinidock, Infinifolders, Graviboard, GravityLockScreen, Dreamboard
Not a very well-known repository but once you browse the content of this repo, you will find that it contains a wide range of pretty much anything. Apps, tweaks, utilities, addons, themes, ringtones, emulators, you name it. The number of content is not that high but it makes up for the quality.
Apps to Look Out For: Auto3G, Barrel, Graviboard, Gridlock, Infinidock, Infinifolders, Move LockScreen to Unlock, RetinaPad, Multifl0w
Now the contents of this particular repo is ridiculously huge, it is almost overwhelming. The usual roundup of apps, tweaks, ringtones, themes, mods are here along with IPAs and even DLC (downloadable content) for App Store apps. Some of the entries are in Italian but they're not that prevalent. Another must-have repository.
Apps to Look Out For: BBSettings, BeyondSMS, biteSMS, CallBar, CleverPin, FolderLock, FoldersInFolders, Infiniboard, Infinidock, RetinaPad
Another repository that is rich in content. One thing that you will notice about this Cydia source is the wealthy selection of themes although there is no shortage of apps and tweaks to be found in here. We recommend that you install the iCauseFx repo icons after adding this source for easier package browsing.
Apps to Look Out For: Barrel 2, BBSettings, 3G Unrestrictor, UISettings, AdBlock, Insomnia Pro, Lockdown Pro, LockInfo
iHacks is yet another repo that has pretty much anything. Apps, tweaks, HD themes, utilities, ringtones and even themes for SBSettings. It also features some unlockable DLCs and hacks for App Store games. Another essential repo that any jailbreak enthusiast should have.
Apps to Look Out For: Applocker, AndroidLock XT, biteSMS, RetinaPad, FaceBreak, SleepFX, SMS+, Springtomize 2, WeeSearch Pro for Notification Center, Infiniboard, Infinidock, Inifinifolders
When it comes to ringtones, themes and wallpaper, then you can't go wrong with this source. This repo specializes in hosting multimedia content rather than the usual apps and tweaks. Again this repo hardly has any tweak or app, so if those are what you are looking for, then you might want to look elsewhere.
Apps to Look Out For: FiveDockRows, Fix Safari Cookies, not many notable apps here but you will find tons of themes, ringtones and wallpaper.
When it comes to cracked apps, this particular repo doesn't have that many to offer as compared to the other repos on this list. However, if you are looking to customize your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, then you should definitely add this Cydia source. You will be blown away by the number of themes that are contained here.
Apps to Look Out For: AppSync for 3.1/3.2/4.0+/5.0+, Auto3G, Barrel 2, iBlacklist, iFile, Insomnia Pro, LockInfo, LockLauncher, Move2Unlock, Multifl0w, NoSpot.
xSellize is the repo of choice for those who are fans of playing emulated games. This repo hosts a good deal of ROM packs for Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 64 and NES which of course you can load on your emulators. Aside from emulators and ROMS, xSellize packs the usual assortment of apps, tweaks, mods and so on. Again, try to install xSellize's Repo Icon package so you can browse its content a whole lot easier.
Apps to Look Out For: AdBlock, AndroidLock XT, Appfront, AppSync 4.0+/5.0+, iBlacklist, FolderLock, FoldersInFolders, Graviboard, GravityLockScreen, Gridlock, Safari Upload Enabler, SleepFX, Springtomize 2
It should be safe to say that repo is one of the most popular repositories available. This is largely because of the fact that it hosts Installous, an application that lets jailbreak users download cracked apps that are found in the iTunes App Store for free. A perfect solution for those who can't afford buying from the App Store, those who are somehow unable to buy from the App Store and those who want to try out an app before actually spending money on it.
Apps to Look Out For: AppSync for iOS 3.1/3.2/4.0+/5.0+, Installous 4 and Crackulous
SiNfuL iPhone
If cracked apps and freebies are what you are after, then SiNfuL iPhone is definitely your go-to repo. It doesn't necessarily have the number of content that other repos have but it makes up for its quality as it contains cracked versions of some of the most popular Cydia apps and tweaks. This particular source has an official forum with a community of about 300,000 strong.
Apps to Look Out For: AdBlocker, AndroidLock XT, Barrel, biteSMS, CallBar, FaceBreak, FolderEnhancer, FolderLock, iFile, Infinidock, LockInfo, Multifl0w, PkgBackup, Springtomize 2, Zephyr, 3G Unrestrictor
Do you have a favorite Cydia source that you think should belong on this list? Be sure to let us know through the comment section below. Enjoy!!!
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